Colossians 1:3-5
...because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints -- the faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in heaven...
The Colossian church became the role model for other churches in many ways, and Paul specifically mentioned about faith, love and hope here. First of all, their faith in Jesus Christ was not based on their circumstance or feeling, but rather on Lord Jesus Christ alone. If faith is based on things that could change, it's easy for us to be weakened or shaken. When Peter was walking towards Jesus on the sea, as long as he focused on Jesus he walked just fine; however, as soon as he turned to focus the turbulent waves around him, his faith weakened and he started sinking. We can only focus on Jesus because the Bible says that Jesus will never change; His faithfulness and grace is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the God who will accomplish great things according to our faith.
Next, Paul mentioned about the love they had for fellow believers. Love must have a target, for you can talk all you want about the theory of love, but if you don't actually love anyone, the love is merely a "resounding gong or a clanging cymbal." But who is the target of our love? Besides the Lord, it's our brothers and sisters in Christ! Love is acceptance; many brothers and sisters are different from you and you may never really try to understand them, so are you willing to spend some time with them? Love is also helping one another; when some brothers and sisters have physical needs, are you willing to help them? Love is also forgiveness; when you cannot remove bitterness towards some brothers and sisters, are you willing to follow the Lord's example to love them again?
Third, Paul mentioned that their hope is in the heaven. The Bible says that this world and everything in it will come to pass, and our hope ought to be in heaven. This refers to what happens when the Lord returns and we will be with Him forever, for the Lord will remove all the tears and deaths. As a pastor, I have presided over many funeral services. The biggest difference between the funeral service of a believer and a non-believer is that in a service for a believer there is hope in the midst of sadness, but for a non-believer there is hopelessness in fear. Brothers and sisters, is your hope on earth or in heaven?
Pray with Pastor Tong

Dear Lord, I ask that you strengthen my faith. If I used to focus on the circumstance and people, please help me to focus on you. Give me courage so that I will take the first step in loving others, and may the Lord become my hope and satisfaction each and everyday. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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