Colossians 2:6-7
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
We often hear people saying this in their testimony of salvation: "I accepted Jesus because He gave me a peaceful heart." Other would say: "I accepted Jesus because He solved my problems in life." Jesus can indeed bring us peace, joy and satisfaction in life, but they do not constitute the entire gospel. Paul said here "just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord..." Jesus didn't come into our lives just so that we can be happy and satisfied, but He wants to be the Lord of our life, so these are all integral parts of the same package. Since we are created by God's will, we can only be truly satisfied when we follow God's will.
The problem of many Christians is a lack of understanding of sovereignty in life. Although we call out "Lord, Lord", but Jesus is like just like a visitor in our life, for He can only stay in the guest bedroom but cannot move around freely. No wonder that in our life, we don't really sense any change brought by the Lord, and we don't feel the joy like a river that should come with the Lord, because there are too many things that we don't want to throw away in life. Can Lord Jesus be the Lord of your life? How will you follow Him?
First of all, we need to be rooted in Him. We need to decide to follow Jesus and never let things of the world preoccupy us. Spend time to read God's Word and get to know Him better. Next, we need to make sure we are built in Him. Let God build us up, let His hands shape us in our life through prayer, so that we will be more like Christ. Third, our faith needs to be firm. We will encounter hardship in life, but we must have a firm faith that is unshakable, because those who trust the Lord shall not be ashamed. When we follow these rules, we will discover that God is faithful, and we will be filled with gratitude to Him.
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord Jesus, I come to you once again to declare that you are my savior and also the Lord of my life. I am willing to open all the doors in my life for you to rule, so let me gladly follow your will each and every day. I want to be rooted and built up in you with a firm faith. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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