Colossians 3:1-4
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God...
Paul has clearly said here that there is a new relationship between believers and the Lord, which is to die and live with the Lord. Verse three said it clearly - "For you died." It sounds scary at first because we are still alive! Actually, the words die and live here do not refer to physically die and live. In Romans chapter 6, Paul explained that we are to die from sin, and we are to live for God. Therefore, "die" and "live" actually refer to your responses to things. Just like how Chinese people like to call each other "dead man" when they fight, it means that you are like a dead man who has no response to anything.
To those who belong to Christ, we are to die from sin. It's not because the law tells us not to sin, but rather it's because the joy in sin no longer attracts us. Just like a person who's dating; before he starts dating, he would join singles party, even when uninvited, all the time, but after he starts dating he no longer interested in those parties. In the same way, when someone accepts the Lord, his attention will start shifting from the secular matters to Christ. The transition is not caused by law, but it's the natural manifestation of life.
Paul also reminds us that since we are already dead, we must live with Christ. How should we live with Christ? First of all, we must think about God's word all the time. Learn to let God's word fill our thoughts, because whatever is in our mind will become our life and habits. If you always think about what happens in soap operas, then you will live like you are in a soap opera; if your mind is filled with God's word, you will then live in the form of Christ. Also, we must learn to look at things from God's perspective. When we look at things from a different perspective, even the perspective from God's throne, we will make very different conclusions. From your perspective, you may see no way out, but you will shout with joy if you look at it from God's perspective.
Pray with Pastor Tong

Let us pray with this short poem: Lord, I am not the most outstanding or cutest child in the eyes of my parents, when I leave the world I hope people will say: He has the eyes of Father God, for he sees hope in despair, solution in difficulty, and comfort in sorrow. Yes, I have the eyes of Father God! I thank you in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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