Philippians 3:20-21
"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ..."
In an earlier passage, Paul has mentioned that "many live as enemies of the cross of Christ" and that "their mind is on earthly things." The "earthly things" here don't refer to the chores in our daily life, but rather it refers to the values of the world. As we live on earth, we naturally follow this value system, where we learn to control others in order to satisfy ourselves. Paul then brought up the opposite value system, saying that "our citizenship is in heaven!" Heave and earth are indeed in sharp contrast.
This contrast is not in terms of the geography, but rather a contrast between values. One is a value system that follows the world and has worldly things in mind, and the other is a value system of the heaven that focuses on looking upon Lord Jesus. In fact, Paul wrote much in Chapter 3 to explain this contrast. He used to follow the values of the world, and he was proud of his stature, prestige, knowledge and family background, but later he considered knowing Christ to be the most precious thing in his life, to the point that he was willing to sacrifice everything in life for the Lord. It doesn't mean that he's no longer concerned with anything in daily life, but it's to view and understand things of the world differently. We can now see our everyday life from the perspective of eternity, and also looking at things of the world from the perspective of God's Kingdom. Most importantly, our life should have exciting hope.
How is your life? What's dictating your life - is it values of the world, or values of the heaven? May the Lord help us to live the life of a citizen of the heaven!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord Jesus, we thank you because not only you died for me, but you will also come back for me. If I am still living in the bondage of the values of the world, I ask that you break it for me. Give me an exciting hope to wait upon your return. I want to live for you by your will. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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