Philippians 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! . . . Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Why is it so hard for many Christians to rejoice? That is because we are anxious about many things. We are anxious about our marriage, our children, our job, our future and our life. It seems normal for people in the modern society to be filled with hardship and worries, but in this passage Paul said "do not be anxious about anything." It is a refreshing idea, but in this society filled with hard work and pressure, how is it possible to not be anxious about anything? Paul reminded us two principles of committing everything to God. - Committing to God in prayer. We get worried and anxious about things because of our misconception that we shouldn't bother God with petty issues that we can handle by ourselves. Paul, however, did not say that we should only to pray for major issues, but rather it's to commit "everything" to God in prayer. Big or small, we ought to present our requests in everything to God. We present requests to God not because God doesn't know our needs, for He obviously knows everything, but it's to show our humility and reliance to Him through bringing everything before His throne.
- Depend on Holy Spirit for guidance. "...The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Many people only do half of committing everything to God; they tell God all their requests, but they forget to welcome Holy Spirit to come, to bring the peace of God into their soul and to guide their mind and heart and know God's will. Once God's will is known, we just need to pray according to His will, and as soon as we pray in God's will God's Spirit will accomplish what it is supposed to accomplish.
Is your life filled with worried and burdens? Perhaps you have prayed many times, but you've only stopped at the phase of talking to God, but never entered the guidance by the Spirit, the phase of listening to God. Are you willing to lay down your worries before God, and listen to the guidance of the Spirit quietly? The peace that transcends all understanding will come and fill you! Pray with Pastor Tong  Lord Jesus, I thank you because you care about me. I am willing to bring all my concerns and worries before you, and ask your Holy Spirit to teach me to pray in your will. I want to be released from all my burdens so that I can enjoy the peace that transcends all understanding. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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