John 1: 35-39
The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, "Look, the Lamb of God!"...
It is not easy to be the person who's making way for the Lord, isn't it? Before Jesus appeared, people followed John and listened to John. They recognized John as the prophet of their time, and a servant of God, so crowd surrounded him to listen to his sermon and witness his ministry. What a glorious work it was! As soon as Jesus surfaced, however, John saw Him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God!" He uplifted Jesus Christ because he clearly knew that He is the Son of God and the Lamb of God, who's here to wash away all our sins. When his disciples heard the message, their hearts were drawn to Jesus and they left John to follow Jesus.
On the one hand, John the Baptist uplifted Jesus and the name of Jesus was exalted, but on the other hand he had to face the cruel reality that his disciples would no longer follow him as they went on to follow Jesus instead. Rationally speaking, we know that totally makes sense because Jesus Christ is the Son of God! From human perspective, however, it was not an easy thing for John. John was the one preparing the way for the Lord, but when the Lord came, John had to step aside from the his lead role; he wasn't even in a supporting role, but no one paid attention to him anymore. What a drastic transition that would have been!
Nevertheless, John the Baptist was indeed a true servant of God. He clearly understood what God wanted him to do. That's why he said, "He must become greater; I must become less." It's easy for us to read this scripture passage, but it involved much tears and sacrifice! One who makes way for the Lord must be one willing to make sacrifice. They must sacrifice their esteem, their pride and their glory, to simply be willing to seek God's glory. May the Lord help us, let us have the attitude of John the Baptist, for the Lord must become greater and we must become less. May the Lord help us to set our mind to become less for the Lord, so that the way of the Lord and His name can be uplifted!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Dear Lord, may you give us the mind of John the Baptist, let us uplift your name all our life. Not to see our own glory, but to glorify you. May your spirit guide us and give us more strength to serve you. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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