John 2:11-12
What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him. After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples. There they stayed for a few days.
God can perform signs and wonders in our daily life. Not only can turn your career and work around, God can also turn your family around! Very often we run into difficulties in our family life because we expect our family members to change. The founder of Unity Prayer Ministry, Evelyn Christenson, once shared that for a long time she had to travel around for preaching engagements and conferences, and when she went home she didn't feel that her husband and children were spiritual enough, so she would unintentionally start to lecture them. One time at dinner table, she started to lecture her daughter, but as she was talking, her daughter said "Mom, I don't want to listen to your sermons anymore! You don't even sound like yourself when you preach these things!" She got up and took off. Suddenly, Evelyn Christenson was speechless, because she didn't know preaching to her daughter would cause such a great reaction.
Ever since the incident, Evelyn reflected on it before God and asked for God's Spirit to help her, she then saw her weakness and how she fell short of her family. She discovered that the problem with their family life was herself; she asked her family to change, but she neglected the fact that she needed to change! So, she went before God and prayed: "Lord, please change me, not my family! Lord, come and change me!" As soon as Evelyn learned to be like Maria the mother of Jesus, who went down from her role as mother and surrendered herself to God, God brought change to her family life.
After a while, one day Evelyn's daughter went into kitchen and saw her cooking, and said to her: "Mom, do you know that I saw you in the Bible today?" She was puzzled and asked: "How did you see me in the Bible?" Her daughter said: "When I was reading God's word, I found that God's word was alive in you!" She was really touched, because change in her life brought change to her daughter! Hallelujah! Did you know that God can transform your family life? No matter what difficult your family life has encountered, surrender it to God, and God can perform signs and wonders in your family! In fact, whether it's family life, career or church life, it's never too late to entrust everything to God, so let us start to look upon him!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, we thank you because it's never too late to entrust our life to entrust our life to you. May you help brothers and sisters to entrust their lives to you too, and they will know that you can turn our life around like turning water into wine, becoming better and better! I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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