John 4: 1-4
The Pharisees heard that Jesus was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John, although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized, but his disciples. When the Lord learnt of this, he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee.
When Israel was conquered by the Assyrians, the Jews were forced into marriages with the Assyrians for the purpose of wiping out the Jewish culture similar to that caused by the inter-racial marriages between the Samaritans and the foreigners. It was for this reason the Jews in the south looked down upon the Samaritans because they were not recognized as the people truly chosen by God. There was no contact between these two groups of people, and if the Jews were to travel to Galilee, they had to bypass Samaria. Ironically, it was recorded here that Jesus chose to pass through Samaria; what was the reason? It was because He knew there was a woman there longing for His word. Hallelujah!
Brothers and sisters, Do you realize that the Lord does understand you and your needs? We are often like the Samaritan woman rejected by the people around us to a point that nobody would care. But in reality, God already understands and knows us. For our sake, He is willing to pass through our living environment, and offer us help himself. Yes, God wants to meet us in our lives, not only for the Samaritan woman on that day, but for all of us, and He is prepared to act on our behalf. No matter what situation you are in, come and trust the Lord with faith; hold onto His promises; call upon Him, "Oh Lord, we thank you for you have passed through my living environment preparing and opening a path for me!"
When I was trying to drive from the east coast to the west for my work, the electrical system of my car broke down two days before the trip. I had to send the car to the repair shop but they could not identify the problem. The mechanics just told me," Go ahead and drive, there should not be any problem." I was really apprehensive at the time! So I prayed to God for help before leaving. God showed me Joshua chapter 4, "Leave with peace for I will be in front of you till you arrive." I seized this promise, prayed every morning before I drove and my first words were, "Lord, I thank you for you are waiting in front of me." Praise the Lord, I arrived in the west coast safely after two weeks. Hallelujah! Brothers and sisters, no matter what situation or environment you are in, hold onto God's promises, and He will bring miracles to your lives.
Pray with Pastor Tong
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