Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Today's Passage - John 7:1-9

River of Life Christian Church ︳

John 7: 1-9


After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. He did not want to go about in Judea because the Jewish leaders there were looking for a way to kill him. But when the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near, Jesus' brothers said to him, "Leave Galilee and go to Judea, so that your disciples there may see the works you do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world." For even his own brothers did not believe in him.....


The main reason Jesus only worked in Galilee, but not in Judea, was that people there did not believe. It's not only the Jews did not believe him, even Jesus' brothers did not believe him, they even said to him: "No one who wants to become a public figure stays in this small town, you should go to the land of Judea! Go to Jerusalem to become a public figure!" Jesus' brothers teased him because they did not believe He is the Messiah.


Faith is the very important element in our belief. Hebrews 11:6 mentions that anyone who comes to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Many Christians stay stuck at "believe that he exists" but the Hebrews author tells us that we must believe he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Anyone who has this genuine faith and who believes that he rewards those who earnestly seek him, faith brings result and we receive the fruits of our faithful prayers.


Many Christians want to gain God's favors yet they neglect to come before God by faith. Therefore II Cor. 5:7 reminds us that Christians live by faith, not by sight. Too often we act by sight in our planning, our living and our serving such that our ministries are not blessed by God; there are no signs and miracles in our lives, because we did not rely on the word of God by faith to boldly move forward.  If we by faith truly rely on God's words and boldly move forward, you will see God parting the Jordan River for you and you will walk on dry land!


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Dear Lord, we pray that you will give us this faith, let us rely on your words to march forward, we shall then see your grace and abundance before us as you prepare a table for us. We thank you and pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!





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