John: 19: 1-5
....Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews gathered there, "Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know that I find no basis for a charge against him." When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, "Here is the man!"
When Pilot examined Jesus, he found no basis for a charge against him, he took Jesus to the crowd, and he just said, "Here is the man!" If we really understand this sentence, then He will not be nailed on the cross. "Here is the man!" When you look at the life of Jesus Christ, seeing Jesus the Word became flesh for us, He had God's beauty, then he forsake the treasures in heaven, took up the likeness of body to become man. He was borne in a manger, because the inn had no place for him. The King of kings, the Lord of lords that readily humbled for us, born in a manger, how lowly it is!
"Here is the man!" When you look at the path of the life of Jesus, three decades of silence, experienced so much hardship and suffering in this world. God called Him to preach and cast out demons at the age of thirty, He preached with authority, cast out demons in power, proving He is the Son of God! He performed miracles to set many free from their sins and infirmities, such that people's heart can repent and turn to Jesus Christ. "Here is the man!" Jesus is the sinless Savior, readily died for us on the cross, to bear all of God's punishments against sins on our behalf. He can take the place of people's sin, so that through Him we receive God's grace.
"Here is the man!" The sinless Savior was even humiliated standing before the judgment seat! We cannot help but burst into tears no matter how we think about the life of Jesus! This Savior that so loves us, that bear the greatest humiliation on earth for us, such that our lives can receive all of God's glory, how precious it is! "Here is the man!" When we look at the life of Jesus, come praise our Savior once again, only praise and exalt Him!
Pray with Pastor Tong
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