Friday, January 25, 2019

Today's Passage - John 19:27

River of Life Christian Church ︳

John 19:27


...and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.


When John hears Jesus' words, "Here is your mother", he then takes Jesus' mother into his home from that time on. The love of the Lord enables us not only to love our own parents, but also to extend our love to other people. The church is actually a big spiritual family. God teaches us not only to care about our own matters, but also to care about the matters of others and to carry each other's burdens. Brothers and sisters, this is such a wonderful blessing that God has given us! However, many believers still seem to be used to a loner's life: when they are blessed, they enjoy it themselves, when they are troubled, they handle it themselves. But this is totally not God's will! Paul in Ephesians tells us to know how high and how wide God's love is together with all the saints.


On the cross, Jesus did not say to Mary, "Take good care and watch out for yourself." Jesus did not say to John, "Be strong and do my work!" Rather, he says, "Women, here is your son." And to John, "Here is your mother." Jesus clearly draws a picture here of a big spiritual family. The church is the household of God. Through the church, the saints can support and help each other, admonish each other, and grow together, so that Christ will receive all the glory.


God's heart is in the church, therefore, you need to put the church and brothers and sisters in your priorities. In the church, we have many different cell groups. However, often we only seek to satisfy our own cell group's needs and lack God's kingdom vision. The bible very clearly tells us, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." May God help us not only to care for the needs of our cell group, but also care for the needs of the church and even more care for the vision of God's kingdom. Let us give thanks to God for the churches all over the world and give thanks to God for all the gospel ministries in the world. Also let us ask God's Spirit to help us truly be able to see God's calling for us is to share and give out the love of the Lord to others.


The love of Jesus is a proactive love. When the Lord Jesus calls the disciples, he proactively calls them, "Come, follow me!" He says to Zacchaeus, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." Jesus' love is forever a proactive love. May God help us so we don't wait for others to come love us first, but proactively go to love our parents, our children, and our brothers and sisters. The Lord proactively goes to love the people whom God loves, so that we can become the channels of love for God's grace to flow from our loves to the people around us. 


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Dear Lord, please help me understand how to proactively love the people around me. Help me to be alert to the needs of the churches, and even more to be a blessing to God's work in all the places. And by your will, may I fulfill your work. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen! 





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