Monday, February 18, 2019

Today's Passage - 1 Timothy 1:15

River of Life Christian Church ︳

I Timothy 1:15


"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." This saying is true, and it can be trusted. I was the worst sinner of all!


Paul indicated he was the worst sinner of all.  So called, "Worst sinner" denotes the biggest sinner.  We may think that Paul was overly humble because if he was the worst sinner of all, then who are we?  Perhaps Paul was just modest by saying that!  But in fact, to the contrary, Paul truly believed he was the worst of all sinners.  In the midst of this light of holiness, he had no place to hide as he realized his own weaknesses and unworthiness.  He knew clearly that just his own sins alone could have nailed Jesus on the cross many times over.  Consequently he prostrated in front of the Lord and mourned for his sins!


Often times we come before God with our eyes fixated on others but not our God.  We often have this attitude that we are "inferior to those better than us, but are much more superior to those not as good as we are." Once we have this kind of feeling, it would be difficult for us to humble ourselves to seek for God's mercy and grace.  When our eyes are fixed on others, we cannot see God; once our eyes wander away from God, we no longer feel we are sinners.  It is only when we are illuminated by  His light,  we see our own filthiness just like  when a piece of big rock in the wilderness is turned over, the sunlight exposes all the insects underneath as they try to find  darker places to hide.  Initially they are hiding underneath the rock, but once the light comes, they have to escape.  Similarly, we have no place to hide when we face the holiness of God, and like Paul, we would then come to recognized we are the biggest sinners of all.


In spite of this, God said, "Jesus came in this world to save sinners; this saying is true and can be trusted. "  Jesus came for your sins and mine as He died for all our sins!  If you are willing, God's grace will come upon you; once you have accepted this truth, the truth will set you free!


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Lord, when we see you, we would be really like Paul saying, "Oh Lord! Forgive me for I am the biggest sinner of all." Through the cleansing of your blood, we are now able to come before you openly without fear.  With thanks we pray, in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!




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