I Timothy 2:8 Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing In verses 8-15, when talking about the disputes in the Ephesian churches, Paul referred to the positions and roles that sisters should play in the church. In verse 8, Paul first indicated how brothers should behave, "I want men to be without anger and disputing." Apparently, men at the time had fallen into such situations. Perhaps the biggest weakness of our brothers today is getting into disputes easily. Men are often quite competitive, interested to find out the winners and losers, but yet overlooking human relationship. The most important element in human relationship is love and acceptance. When a person is accepted, love is naturally returned. Many husbands lack this understanding that resulted in squabbling with their wives to the bitter end so as to prove they are right. In reality, wives only need hugs and comforting with their husbands' approval. In churches, we often feel justified in debating on some basic doctrines believing we are defending the truth without knowing unity among the brothers and sisters in the church is at risk. Prayers are best way to overcome such disputes. May the Lord help us so that instead of pointing our fingers, our hands would become hands of prayers. We should entrust all our worries, fear and burden to God, believing He is at work, and He can accomplish great things through us. Prayers such as these can be carried out anywhere; such as in our work places, we can raise our hands of prayer asking the Lord to guide our superiors in making the right decisions as well as asking for unity and harmony among our colleagues In addition, we can also pray for our families. It is the best time to pray when driving on the way to work asking for blessings to our wives and children so that they would be living in love; we may also asked for the revival of our next generation so that they may be fervent in spirit and glorify the name of the Lord. Brothers and sisters, do you know God's desire towards you? No more disputing, pray instead wherever and whenever you can. Pray with Pastor Tong  Lord, we thank you. We ask that you take away our desires in disputing. Grant us the unity in spirit and lift up our holy hands in prayers every day, not only for ourselves, but also for our families, churches and the expansion of your kingdom. With thanks we pray, in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!
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