John 20:24-26
A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"
After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he comes and says "Peace be with you!" to the disciples many times. What a precious word! Peace is just what the disciples need at the time. During those days, the disciples are very confused, especially by what happened in Jerusalem, which anyone would be surprised. When the disciples follow Jesus in the past, they know Jesus will always be there even if the sky falls down. Now there's no one they can depend on. They are very discouraged as well. Even though Jesus already told them about what he will suffer, but they still think the kingdom of God is to be on earth.
Therefore, when Jesus dies, they are so disappointed and their dreams are almost completely shattered! Not only are they disappointed about the Lord, but they are also disappointed about themselves. Especially for Peter, before he thinks that he can courageously acknowledge the Lord. But he denies the Lord three times in front of the slave girl and servants. He is utterly disappointed in himself. At the same time, they are fearful because they do not know what will happen next. The persecutions of the officials cause them to keep the door locked when they assemble together. Peace is truly the message they need.
When Jesus says, "Peace be with you", he is not only greeting them. He is the Prince of Peace. He not only gives peace, but he is peace. People are often filled with fear because this is our old nature. Of course it is also because of the lies of the enemy. Some people say, "If God shows up, then I will not be afraid." However, in reality the person who says this has never experienced God showing up, because in the Bible every time when God reveals himself to people, their first reaction is fear. Even when the disciples see the Lord walking on the water, they think it's a ghost! They did not think this is all from God's work.
Fear is our old nature. However, after the Lord shows up, the Spirit of the Lord touches us and brings such a great peace! Brothers and sisters, do you have peace in your life? Maybe you are currently in the situation like the disciples, in the midst of confusion, disappointment, and fear. May the Lord touch you with his resurrection power today! Hallelujah! Let us receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ's resurrection truth and let us receive the peace from the Lord. When we receive this by faith, the Lord will himself be our peace no matter how big the storm is around us. Through the Lord, we don't have to fear!
Pray with Pastor Tong
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