Galatians 4: 8-11 "Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know God-or rather are known by God-how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you." At that time the church valued appearance over the life in Christ. Observing the Sabbath was the most contested issue of the early church when the Jews often accused the Christians for failing to observe the Sabbath. Some also ask the same question today, since the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments, why do Christians fail to observe the Sabbath? It is to celebrate Jesus Christ's back to life from death that Christians gather in the presence of God on Sundays; the Sunday service is not for observing the Sabbath, instead it is to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. In fact, it's not that Christians fail to observe the Sabbath; rather it is observing the Sabbath every day. The Sabbath of the Old Testament in itself does not bring people to rest; the purpose of the Sabbath is to bring rest, but people may not actually get to rest on the Sabbath. True rest points towards Jesus as we can find true rest in Christ only; when we live with the Lord, Jesus becomes our rest. Every day is observing the Sabbath for Christians; every day is the Sabbath in Christ. So what should be valued is the truth in Christ instead of the appearance, we'll fall into self-righteousness if we care only about the outward appearance. Only in Christ can we truly enjoy all the blessings from God. Like Baptism, some vouch for the practice of sprinkling while some vouch for the practice of immersion; in fact what matters is the joy of salvation through our belief in Jesus. When you believe in Jesus, the appearance is not important at all. The same goes to the Holy Communion, some say breaking bread every week, some say having the Holy Communion once a month. The importance is not the frequency, but whether our lives are united with the Lord; once the lives are united with the Lord every day, it in fact is having the Holy Communion every day. The same goes to washing the feet; some churches today still emphasize washing the feet; washing the feet is to express the loving of one another, no matter washing the feet or not, the importance is whether you have Jesus' love in your life, so that you can love your enemies, and even pray for those who persecute you. Ask the Lord to help us not to only value the appearance; but to enter the life of Christ.  Lord, please open our eyes, if in the past we valued the appearance, feasts or the law, help us enter the real lives, enjoy in Christ all the blessings, grace and mercy from God. We give thanks and pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen! |
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