Ephesians 1:18 "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints..." The Lord's calling is out of His grace. He called us to give us a new role and position that we do not deserve to have, but were given to us by God in Jesus Christ. In the book of Ephesians, Paul often called the believers saints, which is the most important and prestigious position in God's kingdom. Church often has the wrong concept that believes pastors and apostles are the most important people in the church, and those of us who are lay believers aren't really that important. Under such misconception, the lay believers are conditioned not to think about our role in God's Kingdom. The fact is that everyone who believes in the Lord is a precious saint in the eyes of God! If I have a bunch of keys in my pocket, can I say which one is most important? It's hard to say, because every key is special and important. In the same way, in the Kingdom of God, some people might look more visible and outstanding, but in the eyes of God everyone is like the keys on the keychain - equally important. God wants to use different keys to open different doors and to bless different types of people. In the Kingdom of God, there's no difference between pastor and lay people; we are all saints who are called by God and set apart, only to be placed in different positions. I am a saint who's in the position of pastor, and you might be a saint in the position of engineer or accountant. God wants to use us to bless different people. You might even be a saint who's in the position of a housewife, and I did come across a great testimony from a housewife! A sister is a housewife and she didn't seem to have accomplished much in life, but she posted a sign on top of the stove, saying "I am serving the Lord here three times a day." Praise the Lord! She knows God's calling, and this calling gives her strength for her daily life. Do you know what your calling is in Christ?  Lord, you called us to become saints and to take part in your Kingdom because you want to bless others through us. We are like a key in your hands that can be used to open different doors, in order to let blessings flow through us. May the Lord help us to become obedient vessels for you to use. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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