Ephesians 4:4-6 "There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." Paul mentioned here about the seven foundations of unity in Christ: - One body, which is the church of Christ. No matter how many denominations there are - Baptist, Presbyterian, Fundamentalist, Evangelicals, Charismatic or Independent, everyone belongs to the big church in the heaven, which is the church of Christ. Christ only has one body, so early or modern churches alike everyone belongs to the same body. We need to know clearly that all churches are one so that we won't be deceived by the enemy and divide within ourselves.
- One Holy Spirit. Although the gifts of Holy Spirit are different and different people experience the Holy Spirit differently, everything comes from the same Spirit. Therefore, don't criticize the experience of others that are different from yours, thinking that they much be from the evil spirit; although experiences are different, as long as the same Lord is proclaimed, they are all from the same Spirit.
- Same hope, which is the hope for the Lord's return. No matter how our days are on earth and what the circumstance is, there is one glorious hope, which is the Lord's return. When He returns, we will be changed to perfection just like Him. There won't be any sorrow or tears, and there'll be no more death; before Him we will enjoy His love and the love of brothers and sisters.
- One Lord, which is Jesus Christ. No matter how different our gifts are, we all serve the same Lord. No matter we are serving inward or outward, on or off the podium, in quietness or busyness, we all serve the same Lord. So let's us criticize each other or claiming to be spiritual.
- One faith, which is the faith to be justified. We are all equal before God, and no matter how our families, backgrounds and circumstances differ we are all sinners before God, and we all need the salvation that justifies us by faith. Because of salvation, we cannot boast anything and we must connect with each other in Christ.
- One baptism. Baptism is not only done by water, which leads up to Christ Jesus, but also the baptism by Holy Spirit, in order for us to unite as the body of Christ.
- One God, which is Father God. He is the Father of everything, the creator of all in universe. We are all from Him and belong to Him, and He is our trust, our strength and our help. Our spiritual life originates from Him, we all belong to the same spiritual family, and in Christ we are one.
Brothers and sisters, we are one in Christ, so may God help us to "keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."  Lord, I thank you for putting before us such important fundamental truth. Although we are all different, in Christ we have the same life, serve the same Lord and have the same Holy Spirit. May the Lord keep our heart and mind, let us be humble, so that we might be united in Christ to build the glorious church. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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