Thursday, August 27, 2020

Today's Passage - 1 Corinthians 7:20-24

1 Corinthians 7:20-24
Each one should remain in the situation which he was in when God called him.  Were you a slave when you were called?  Don't let it trouble you - although if you can gain your freedom, do so.  For he who was a slave when he was called by the Lord is the Lord's freedman; similarly, he who was a free man when he was called is Christ's slave.  You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.  Brothers, each man, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation God called him to.
Paul clear taught us here that "each one should remain in the situation which he was in when God called him."  In other word, even though our souls are liberated, we cannot just neglect or depart from the social responsibilities that we were entrusted with.  As Christians, we still have to fulfill our responsibilities in life, and it's God will for us to serve our masters as their servants.  The only difference now is that we were merely servants of men before, but now we serve the Lord.  That why Paul said, in Colossians chapter three, that "...whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus."
When one accepted the Lord, their souls are freed and become servants of Christ but not servants of men.  While on the outside we still need to play our role as servants, our attitude must be completely different.  It is the will of God for us to have different attitude at work so that we may bear witness to glorify God and to bless our master.  It should be the same in our household; husband and wife have their own roles and duties, and they cannot just forsake each other because they have accepted the Lord and have become free - that is not how Christians should behave.  A wife who accepts the Lord should love and obey her husband more; a husband who accepts the Lord should also love his wife more.  Not because the spouse is better or worse, but of love for the Lord and submitting to Him.  It is the will of God for us to come before the Lord and draw our non-believing spouses to Him.
Paul also mentioned that if we can have freedom, it is best to gain freedom.  It is especially applicable to our working environment today; if we are working in a unfair condition or bondage, we can certainly pray to God to open doors for us to change job or career.  If God doesn't open door for us, we still must uphold our position and glorify God at our workplace with our testimonies.  That's why Paul said: "brothers, each man, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation God called him to," until God opens new doors.
Pray with Pastor Tong
Lord, I thank you because your word has once again helped me to understand my role, position and duties in the world.  May the Lord help us, no matter what our role and circumstance are let us do our best to glorify your holy name.  We ask that you give us more strength and love.  I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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