Paul said that it is God who makes "both us and you stand firm in Christ." We need to understand that we cannot stand firm by ourselves. Although we like to sing, "O God, our hearts are steadfast in you", our flesh is weak. Once troubles come, we are like Peter who would deny Christ three times. Human emotions are fickle, just like Elijah, who was extremely courageous at one point on Mount Carmel when he was rebuking the prophets of Baal, the next minute, he was lying under the broom tree and praying that he would die. A man can never stand firm in Christ on his own. Sometimes we do not understand our own limitations and how fragile we are, but when we obtain the spiritual revelation, we begin to understand that only God can help us to stand firm in Christ.
How can God help us stand firm in Christ? This is through the work of the Holy Spirit. God gives us the Holy Spirit and Paul describes the work of the Holy Spirit, like the seal of ownership on us. It is like a lot of people who put a stamp of ownership on their collection of books at the home. In the same way, the Holy Spirit in us is a seal, representing that you and I belong to God.
Secondly, the seal is also a guarantee, just as the manufacturers who put a stamp on their products guaranteeing their quality. In other words, it is a quality assurance. In the same way, when we have the Holy Spirit in our hearts, He will be at work in our lives, molding and shaping us to be more like Christ. Our spiritual life will inevitably have ups and downs like a roller coaster. The important thing is not the ups and downs, but at the bottom of the track you have the tracks that guide and lead you until you reach the final destination. This is the work of the Holy Spirit in you and me. Hence in Deuteronomy, God says the place He will bring you to will have hills and valleys, up and down, but it is a place that is nourished by the rain, and the eyes of the Lord is upon the land. Brothers and sisters, do not let the enemy deceive you, but rather allow the Spirit of God to flow out of your lives!
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