Sunday, May 9, 2021

Today's Passage - Acts 21:1-6

River of Life Christian Church ︳
Acts 21:1-6
After we had torn ourselves away from them, we put out to sea and sailed straight to Cos. The next day we went to Rhodes and from there to Patara. We found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia, went on board and set sail. After sighting Cyprus and passing to the south of it, we sailed on to Syria. We landed at Tyre, where our ship was to unload its cargo. Finding the disciples there, we stayed with them seven days. Through the Spirit they urged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem. But when our time was up, we left and continued on our way. All the disciples and their wives and children accompanied us out of the city, and there on the beach we knelt to pray.
During the time of early church, the work of the Holy Spirit was highly noticeable. The believers were often prompted by the Holy Spirit, and they acted according to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Today, you and I can also experience the miraculous guidance and prompting of the Holy Spirit. Many people believe that Holy Spirit will only prompt pastors or ministers, but that's not true. Holy Spirit often prompts everyone of us. At the end of services on Sunday, the pastor usually will pray this blessing: "may the grace of Jesus Christ, love of God and fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all..." We often overlook the grace we've been given, but the fact is that the fellowship and prompting of the Holy Spirit is with all of us.
The Holy Spirit often speak to us through a variety of ways, including a thought in our mind, message in the Bible, strong feeling inside, picture in our head, etc. Let's not mistakenly believe that prompting of the Holy Spirit is something extraordinary, because the Holy Spirit may be prompting us in our daily life. For example, the Holy Spirit may prompt you to visit someone; however, it's raining outside so you thought you'd go next time, but then you totally forgot about it. The Holy Spirit often prompts us, but we also often put out the prompting, thus we can't follow through to witness God's miraculous guidance.
One time, during a cell group meeting, the cell group leader practiced receiving the Holy Spirit's prompting. After worship time, he allowed brothers and sisters to speak out words of edification, encouragement and comfort. One sister was prompted to speak out that someone among them wants to accept the Lord, so the cell leader proclaim it by faith. Then, a non-believer friend who's been attending the cell group actually got up and said he wanted to accept the Lord! Therefore, the meeting that day became an evangelistic crusade; God's grace richly poured down among them and they were overwhelmed with joy. May God help us and give us a sensitive spirit, so that we may receive the prompting of the Holy Spirit in our daily life.
Pray with Pastor Tong
Lord, please give us a sensitive spirit as we come before you. Let us we hear your voice and follow it in our daily life, so that amazing miracles will happen among us every day. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
River of Life Christian Church | | ROLCC Website

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