Paul had a unique understanding of persecution; he knew that persecution was unavoidable and that he must go through them. Hence when persecution came, he said, "as you well know". Most people would say, "God's promises came as you well know.", but few people would say in the midst of persecution that it came "as you well know". Paul endured suffering and persecution because he had the right mindset to endure hardship.
The believers in the early church faced much persecution and difficult circumstances. Yet, their hearts were filled with joy and could overcome these trials. In contrast, the believers in North America live in great comfort and have never experienced persecution. Yet, when they are faced with any small difficulty, they grumble and complain. The difference is because the early church believers had the right mindset to endure hardship. When you have the mindset of suffering for the Lord, you will not be surprised when troubles come, and you will not think much of it. You can stand firm for the Lord be a great testimony for the Lord and be glad that you can suffer for the Lord.
When the Thessalonica church was persecuted, Paul was anxious because he did not know if the church will be able to handle this. In Chapter 3, Paul said twice that he could no longer wait and had to find out if they were still abiding in God's love and faith. Paul's heart was indeed joined with the church and hence he sent Timothy to find out how they were doing. Praise God, based on Timothy's report, Paul knew that the Thessalonica church was still abiding in God's love and faith. Hallelujah! I believe that Paul's testimony had a great influence on the Thessalonica church; Paul was a person who could persevere in trials. His example influenced the Thessalonica church so that they can endure persecution as well.
When a leader has faith, the followers will have the same faith in Christ. It is important to set an example. In 1 Thessalonians, Paul's example greatly influenced the believers. May the Lord help us to be a good example in our faith, so that we can influence those around us.
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