Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Daily Devotion

River of Life Christian Church ︳www.rolcc.net/english

John 18: 10-14


Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servants name was Malchus).  Jesus commanded Peter, "Put your sword away!  Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?" ....


Before this event, Jesus brought His disciples to pray in the Garden of Gethsamane.  When Jesus found the disciples had fallen asleep, He said to them, "Rise, let us be going."  To Jesus, He rose up after praying, but to the disciples, they rose up after sleeping - the same "rose up" , yet two different consequences.


Jesus was filled with peace and assurance when facing the arrest of the soldiers, the interrogations by the officials, and even being shackled and whipped.  Because He spoke with such authority, even the soldiers were smitten and Pontius Pilate did not know what to do with Him. Ironically, it was His disciples who were in great anxiety after being awaken; Peter, thinking he was in a combat, took a sword and cut off the ear of a servant of a high priest!  Peter was filled with fear, he denied knowing Jesus three times, while rest of the disciples left in a hurry because of their precarious situation.  What a difference it makes with prayers!


After Jesus had resurrected, the disciples had been praying in an attic for ten days waiting for the descending of the Holy Spirit. When they have received the Holy Spirit, they were empowered with wisdom and authority.  Just imagine, the apostles together with the disciples in the four Gospels were immediately transformed!  The disciples in the gospels were weak and tardy looking to become prosperous and wealthy, but afraid of sufferings and death like you and me!  Yet in the Acts of Apostles, they were neither afraid of persecution nor death; they were able to sing in jails, preach and cast out demons with great authority!  Prayers make such a big difference!


When facing pressure in trials and tribulations, if we were to be alert in prayers like Jesus did, we would certainly come before God asking for His help in giving us the desire to spend time with Him.  We can also experience the help and power from God through our prayers.  Many people like to ask, "How do I know God's will?"  I used to prepare a lot of materials on this topic, but now I only post a single question, "How much time have you spent praying before God?" Do you really want to understand God's will? Knowing His will is not at all difficult.  You only need to pray: pray with urgency, pray with fasting, pray all night; God will never hide His will from you.  Many a time we are bewildered not because of God, but because of ourselves.  It is only when we seek after Him earnestly, we shall find.  


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Lord, have pity on us as we are always weak, not knowing to pray before you.  May you help us understand the difference what prayers can do  so  we may come to understand that  we can be close to you, receive help and strength through prayers.  With thanks we pray, in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen! 





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