Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Today's Passage - 1 Timothy 2:9-10

River of Life Christian Church ︳

1 Timothy 2:9-10


I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.


Paul prays first for the men, desiring them to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. Next, Paul prays for the women, desiring them not to use outward beauty to attract others, but to attract others through good deeds. The good deeds in the Bible are not referring to "paving roads or fixing bridges", but they are referring to obeying God's commands. In other words, Paul prays for the women to be obedient to God and in their everyday lives and be examples of those who obey God.

During Paul's time, the Gnostics believed that since Eve ate the fruit from the tree of good and evil, therefore she must be the Mother of wisdom for all humankind. They thought that the source of wisdom comes from woman. Especially during that time, some women and "prophetess" don't cover their head, instead they made every effort to show off their beauty and liberality, pursing anti-traditionalism and personal freedom. In the society of that time, a woman who doesn't cover her head symbolizes someone who is unchaste. That's why when they did this, they were actually shaming themselves. Therefore, Paul sternly rebuked them here. Actually, Paul wants the women of that time not just pursue outward freedom, but instead pursue spiritual freedom.


True freedom is never on the outside, but it is in the heart and spirit. No wonder Paul says, "but with good deeds".  When a person is acting in obedience to God, then that person's inner heart will be set free and that person will be filled with joy.  A joyful person will always be the most attractive person. Sisters, what is your most attractive quality? This is not saying that you should not use makeup, but this is asking whether your inner life is attractive to others?  Do you have the Lord's gentleness, patience, goodness, and compassion inside you? Can others see the image of Christ in your life? 


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Dear Lord, I thank you, because the important thing in life is not outward freedom but the true freedom in the heart and spirit. It is only in your word and in the Holy Spirit that I can receive this. May the Lord give me true freedom in my heart and spirit. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen! 




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