1 Thessalonians 3:11-13 Now may our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you. May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones. Here we see 3 types of love: First is the love that pastors have towards their spiritual children. Paul revealed his love for the believers and how he prayed for them day and night. This is a hopeful prayer. Paul was concerned about their spiritual life and was concerned if they will be able to stand firmly when they come before the judgment seat of God. Not only did Paul pray for their faiths to be strengthened, but also that they will be blameless and holy. A pastor has the responsibility to bring his church before God and pray fervently for them. Because we know that in this difficult and dangerous environment, only God's Word can strengthen their faith and cause them to grow and mature in a way pleasing to God. The second type of love is the love for one another. This is believers helping one another and loving one another. We need to learn to love one another in the church. Jesus said, "When you love one another, people will know that you are my disciples." We need to learn to help one another and accept one another, instead of judging one another. We need to love one another, be understanding towards one another, hold one another accountable and encourage one another to love the Lord more and to seek growth and maturity. When we have this love for one another, others will see the testimony of love and be attracted to God. Thirdly is the love for others. Not only should we love one another within the church, we need to love those around us who are not yet believers. Often, it is easy to love those who are like us, but difficult to love those who are different from us. This is the reason why the Chinese church has difficulty reaching out. When we walk into society and we see many who are not like us. Not just in terms of culture, race and status, the way we dress are also different. When we find it hard to accept others, we cannot love them. However, when Jesus came to every city, he went in the midst of sinners and people who had need to show his love for others. What the world needs today is not more teaching, but true love. The church needs to show the love of Jesus so that people's hearts may be drawn to God. May God help us to demonstrate such love in our lives! Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, I thank you that we love because you first loved us! Pray Lord that you will fill our hearts with the love of Christ in our lives, so that we may learn to love our brothers and sisters in Christ and those around us. We ask Lord that you teach us to love. I thank you and pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen! |
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