1 Thessalonians 4:1 Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. Paul took great pains to explain this as it is an important lesson for the Christian life. Paul says, "We instructed you how to live in order to please God, now we ask and urge you to do this more and more." In other words, not only do you need to know, but you need to do as God instructs. As a Christian, you need to live in a Christ-like manner. Besides knowing, you need to act according to what you know. A person needs to have a heart of obedience to obey what God has taught him to do and to obey the leading of God in his life. Pray that God will help us to return to His Word and His teaching and to obey Him. For example in the area of tithing, I often feel that this is the commandment that is easiest to obey. God calls us to go out to preach the gospel and witness to others. If you say these things are not difficult, you probably have never really preached the gospel before. The Bible tells us to love one another and love your neighbor as yourself. If you say that is not difficult, you probably have never really loved another. There are many commandments in the Bible that are difficult to obey when you rely on yourself. However, tithing is one area that can be considered easy to obey because as long as you give 10% of what you earn, you are obeying God's commandment. If we choose to disobey God in something that is so simple, how can we say that we love God and are willing to obey God? Pray that the Lord will help us to live our lives to be a testimony for him as this is what He called us to do. Not only by preaching the gospel, but to live our lives in a way that it can be a witness to others. We need to watch what we say and do, so we can be an example to others. At home, God teaches the husband to love his wife the way Christ loves the church, and the wife to submit to the husband. Paul encouraged us to not only live in order to please God, but to do this more and more. It is not about not offending others, but also forgiving those who persecute us. Because if you do not forgive, you are the one who will suffer. We do this not by our own strength, but by the strength of God. Ask God to help us to know how to act in our lives and have the strength to act according to what we know, so that God will receive the greatest glory in our lives! Pray with Pastor Tong Liu  Lord, you are the God who gives us strength each day. We pray you will help us to act according to your word each day, so that we may receive joy, freedom and deliverance, and manifest your glory to the people around us. I thank you and pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen! |
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