Joshua 3:12-13
Now then, choose twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one from each tribe. And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the Lord - the Lord of all the earth - set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap."
In this passage, the Lord clearly conveyed the plan to cross the river to the Israelites. He told them to have the priest carry the ark, step into the Jordan River, and the water from upstream will stop flowing down and "stand up in heap." To the Israelites, crossing the Jordan River and crossing the Red Sea years ago were totally different. When they cross the Red Sea, Moses pointed his staff to the water, and the sea parted for the Israelites to cross on dry land. This time, the priest needed to step into Jordan River with the ark, and then river was supposed to part. Even though it didn't seem like a big deal for them to step into water, but it was a big step in their faith. Before, they could step out after they saw dry land, but this time they had to step forward by faith before they see the outcome. That's a lesson of faith!
When I was considering to enter into full-time ministry, my great struggle didn't happen when I was seeking God's will, but rather it came after I found out God's will. When you didn't know God's will and was seeking, you felt spiritual and others think you love the Lord; once you know God's will, then you must decide whether to obey. It took me a while to turn in my resignation to my manager and I told him that I was going to seminary. His first reaction was wondering whether I had gone mad. Of course I didn't go mad, but my heart was indeed filled with struggle. After I resigned, Belinda told me that she was pregnant. After brothers and sisters found out, many of them advised me to think twice. After a while, even the organization that was going to hire me for a part-time job decided to eliminate the position due to budget cut. My mood really hit rock bottom.
At that time, God gave me this passage in Joshua, and showed me this important spiritual principle. If our feet don't step out by faith first, we won't see God's abundance later. Feet must be in the water before the water will part! Belinda and I decided to courageously leave Washington D.C. by faith, and moved to Philadelphia for seminary studies. I thank God because after I took the step, God started to provide us with all our needs. The church we belonged to actually had a scholarship for seminary students, and they decided to grant all of it to us. During the two years in seminary, our bank account bank was higher than any other time, and we didn't have to worry about livelihood at all! Praise God, even until today we've never had financial shortage!
Are you also facing a juncture in your life? May the Lord help us to take a step forward by faith, and we will surely see the outcome of our faith!

Lord, please uphold the faith of the brothers and sisters who are facing important decisions in their lives. Not only help them to understand your will, but also help them to follow your will by faith. I ask that you complete their faith by your faithfulness and power. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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