Joshua 3:14-15
So when the people broke camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the ark of the covenant went ahead of them. Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water's edge...
At the time Israelites were planning to cross the Jordan River, it was at flood stage. In other word, it was a bad time to cross the river. There might have been people who would say: "We've waited for forty years, what's the big deal waiting for another few months when the water level is lower?" There were six to seven hundred thousand people - just men alone - so there must have been a better route to go. Even if the water level subsides, they'll all get wet crossing the river, such an inconvenience! Brothers and sisters, aren't you familiar with such words?
In our life, we're often in "inconvenient" moments. When God calls you to be near Him, you'd say "Lord, this is bad time for me." When God calls you to serve Him, you'd say "Lord, this is a bad time." When you are young, you'd say "this is a bad time because I need to study." After you graduate, you'd say "this is a bad time because I need to start working and form a family." After you have a family, you'd say "this is a bad time because I have three kids now." When you are in middle age, you want to start your own business, so it's still a bad time. After you are old, you're no longer healthy, and it's once again a bad time.
Brothers and sisters, there are too many inconvenient moments in our life, and we allow these inconvenient moments to become hindrance for us to follow God. In fact, God never tells us "well, this is a bad time for you, so I will wait until you are able to follow me." God's command is always for the present time, and God's presence and His power are also for now. He wants us to hold on to His promises now and move forward by faith. This is not a blind faith or faith by our feeling; true faith is based on the foundation of God's word. It's not doing whatever we feel like, but it's to believe in whatever God promises us, and doing whatever God commands us to do. Joshua was able to move forward despite of such bad timing and circumstance because he sincerely believed in God's promise and was determined to follow God's command, not because he was a super brave man.
Book of Joshua repeatedly reminds us that Christians must live by faith, not by sight. Are you also in an inconvenient time today? May God grant us faith, hold on to His promises and be determined to follow Him starting today!

Lord, I thank you because your promise is for this moment, and your commands are for now. May the Lord help us to follow you now; no matter what the circumstance is, you will become our strength and help. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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