Psalm 29:3-9
The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic. The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. He makes Lebanon leap like a calf, Sirionlike a young wild ox...
Did you know that our God is happy to talk to us? Ever since we're young, all our training and learning center around dependence on rationality, so we do the same after we become Christians - We'd enter into a world of rationality and want to live a Christian life by our own strength. It's no wonder that we often can't hear God's voice. In this passage, God's voice carried tremendous power, but when we know about how other people can hear God's voice, we'd think they are eccentric, or we'd think the person must be extremely gifted. The more I develop my spiritual discipline, however, the more I realize that it's not a gift, but rather result of training. Just like the training we received ever since we're young, you can train your heart to listen to the voice of Holy Spirit just like how you train your heart to analyze things rationally.
For example, there are two ways to train someone on a keyboard in the worship team - Following the music sheets, which is playing the notes that you read, or to play by ear, playing the notes that you hear. It's not that one way is better than the other, for each method will produce totally different result. Most of the keyboard players in the worship team are training in reading music, so when I suddenly feel like singing a song, they won't be able to quickly play it. Even if a song has been sung repeatedly and everyone's familiar with it, they cannot play it without music sheets, because that's how they were trained. Some others were trained to play by ear, and they will be able to play something after hearing it once. I used to think these people are greatly gifted, but I realized later on that it was the result of training. Later on, someone trained worship team to practice keyboard at home with lights off, to practice playing the notes that they hear. Since then, our worship team achieved enormous breakthrough.
In the same way, we can be trained to hear the voice of Holy Spirit. It's not a gift from birth, but rather a disciple that can be developed in life. Let us learn to listen to the voice of Holy Spirit and speak to Him in our daily life. Let us be near Him in our daily life. Our God is more than happy to talk to us as long as we are happy to listen to Him!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, you are the God who's happy to guide us and speak to us in our lives. May you open our hearts and ears, and let us hear your voice and live by your will. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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