Psalms 29:10-11
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.
Brothers and sisters, have you ever felt that your life is hit by a flood? When the flood hits, everything that we own in life will be destroyed, and we can't see any way out in life as we're filled with despair. It says in this passage that when our life is hit by a flood, we must look up, as God will still sit on the throne, and He will enthrone over the flood forever. The world will change, but one thing will never change, which is that fact that God sits on the throne to rule over our lives and exercise His authority over every process in life. When we lift our eyes to see that God is on the throne, our hearts are comforted. Even though we might pass through fire and flood, we know that everything is in His hands, and He will guide us until we receive all the rewards from Christ. For this reason our hearts should be filled with peace and joy.
Not only should we look up, but we must look inward too. Looking inward is to see that God is with us. Verse 11 says that "Lord blesses his people with peace." God will give us strength during our hardship. No matter how the circumstances and people change, we must believe that God will still be with us! Gospel of John clearly tells us that Holy Spirit is with us and will never leave us. This is such a precious assurance, hallelujah!
Holy Spirit is the God who'll never leave us. Sometimes our circumstances will change and our feelings will change; sometimes the enemy will accuse us and we'll have doubt about ourselves; however, let us once again set our eyes on God right now, to see that His promise and His grace will never change and His faithfulness will never change. When He promised to be with us, His presence becomes our strength, wisdom and help. Just like what Psalm 23 says, David's life was turned around after he went through the valley of shadow of death. Before, David thought that God was high above, but after he passed through the valley of the shadow of death, he found out that God's living inside him and God can meet him face to face! Therefore, don't reject the flood in our lives, because our lives will only be shaped and groomed after we go through flood, and we'll be drawn before God to near Him and to look upon Him. Let us turn our hearts to God when our hearts are going through flood! Let's pray to Him, because this is the time that we need to experience His power!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, even though the enemy is attacking us, we have the assurance and confirmation that you are with us. You are still sitting high up on the throne and you'll never change. Let us once again dash forward bravely and follow you diligently. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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