2 Timothy 2:15
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
Paul exhorts Timothy to be a worker who does not need to be ashamed. Since he is a worker, he needs to do the work. Not only do the work in the world, but also do the spiritual work, which is to do his best to know God's truth. This is like a small child if he wants to grow up, he needs to learn to feed himself. He can't expect other people to feed him forever. If we see an eight or nine year old child who still needs other people to feed him, we will definitely think this is not normal. However, many Christians are like the infant who never grows up. They do not know how to get spiritual food by themselves. They only come to the Sunday service waiting for the pastor to feed them. There are only 52 Sunday worship services in a year. Each Sunday worship service is not more than an hour. The sermon is not more than half an hour. So, the total sermons one listen to in a year is only 26 hours. Added to this - sickness, overtime at work, not being in a good mood, and additional laziness, a person may receive the Lord's word not even a total of 1 day in a year. No wonder they are malnourished.
If we want to be spiritually strong, we need to do our best to know God's word every day. The spiritual life needs 2 essentials things: one is the Holy Spirit and other is the word of the Lord. How can we be reborn and saved? It is the Holy Spirit through God's word who grants you the new life. How can we have faith? It is the Holy Spirit putting the word of God in your heart to become the foundation of your faith. How can we be led by God? It is the Holy Spirit through God's word who gives you wisdom. God's word in our everyday life can manifest such great power.
Someone has said, "Watch your thoughts, for they will become your action; Watch your actions, for they will become your habits; Watch your habits, for they will become your character." A person's thoughts directly influence the person's character. So don't complain to God, "Why am I not able to live out a life like Jesus?" But you need to ask yourself, "Currently, what are my thoughts filled with?" If your thoughts are filled with the things of the world, naturally you will live out a life like the world. If your thoughts are filled with God's word, naturally you will be able to live out a life like Christ. May the Lord help us, in our life to be workers who does not need to be ashamed, who will put in the effort to know God's truths.
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