2 Timothy 2:14 Keep reminding God's people of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. Paul exhorted Timothy to keep reminding people of these things, they being the truth of Christ. The fashions of the world never cease to influence us, moral corruption brings changes to the human relationships; people mistrust each other, even carrying firearms to prepare for the worst. People grow distant among one another; ideas, life styles are changing with the times. But thanks to God, no matter how the world changes, God's words are eternal truths. The fact that people live in sin remains the same, actually people of this generation more than ever need the gospel of forgiven sins. The salvation of Jesus never change, his power and authority will never change, God's will and requirements towards people also will never change. The will of God is we turn away from sin, reconciled to him through Christ; God wants the believers to follow Jesus' examples, influencing the neighboring environment. Indeed, living for the Lord has never been easy at any time; it was not easy even during the times of Paul and Timothy. The early believers were persecuted for the Lord, and they kept living for the Lord in those situations. The power of God is sufficient for us, this is the never-changing will for his children, put God's words in our hearts, let our lives be built on the foundation of God's words, rather than building on quarreling about words. Paul says quarreling about words is of no value, it only ruins those who listen; the more we quarrel about words, the more we diminish our faith, distrusting about God. But when our minds are filled with God's words, they become our foundation of faith; such that we can act according to the will of God every day, pleasing Him, let the words of God become the strength of our lives.  Lord, thank you, because your words are eternal, and foundation of our faith. We ask the Lord to open our hearts, welcoming your word to become the authority of our everyday lives, we ask the Lord to lead us living for you. We give thanks and pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!
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