Psalm 36:1-7
...Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, Lord, preserve both people and animals. How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
Our God is a righteous and loving God! It says here first: "Your righteousness is like the highest mountain, your justice like the great deep. You, Lord, preserve both people and animals." God's righteousness is like the highest mountains. In other word, God will extend His righteousness and His righteousness will manifest in this time of darkness. The authority of darkness will be crushed and justice will rule. God will surely vindicate those who have suffered and He will rescue His people.
Even though sometimes the circumstances seem to suffocate us, but we must again and again lift God's righteousness up high, because God's righteousness still rules. All the authority of darkness will eventually pass away, so we must have hope in our hearts. Sometimes the way that God saves us might be different from our expectation though. Our concept of God is often much like the genie inside Aladdin's lamp. When we encounter any problem, we want to wipe the lamp and have the genie come out: "Master, what can I do for you?" So, who is the master - is it God or is it us? Our concept must be corrected by God. God will let righteousness prevail and rescue us, but not always in the ways that genie from Aladdin's lamp would save us. God still has His ways and His guidance, so let us obey God before Him and simply look upon Him!
Not only is our God a righteous God, He's also a loving God. This passage describes God's love like a pair of wings. We can hide under God's wings like eaglet under an eagle or chick under a hen. When they encounter any trouble, eagle or hen will always spread their wings and embrace their babies. In the same way, God will embrace us under His wings. We will enjoy peace, joy and protection under His wings, Hallelujah! Our God is filled with love; no authority of darkness or attach by the enemy can harm us, because we can hide under His wings. This is such a precious promise! May the Lord help us, no matter what circumstance we're in, let us lift our heads and look upon Him! We praise God and thank Him for His righteousness and love!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, you are our righteous God and you will save us. You are our loving God and you will let us hide under your wings. May you comfort and encourage our hearts so that we may bravely dash forward in our journey of life. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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