Psalm 36:8-12
They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.
Verse 8 says that "they feast on the abundance of your house." "Your house" means the presence of God. When we enter into the presence of God, we may enjoy all the richness in God, and our life will become abundant. The easiest way to enter into God's presence is to learn to praise and worship Him in our daily life. Psalm 100 says "enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise." Through thanksgiving and praising, we may enter into the house of God. Let's learn to praise His name, and give thanks to Him for all that He's done in our daily life! As soon as you have a thankful heart, you will enter His presence and your life will become abundant.
God also wants us to drink from the river of delights. Did you know that there's a stream in God? That is the stream of Holy Spirit. When we enter God's presence, we can drink from the river of Holy Spirit and never ben thirsty and scarce again, and we will always have God's word and His love flowing out from our life. Verse 9 says that God is with the fountain of life; He's not only the fountain of life is with Him, He's actually the fountain, for everything that we have in life is from God. Gospel of John 1:4 says "In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind." When we receive Jesus into our life, His life is light that can shine into our darkness. If we were in the valley of shadow of death and sin, when we accept His life into us, it will shine into us and let us see how dark we were. We would then turn back to Jesus again and again, and ask the precious blood of Lord Jesus to cleanse us and forgive.
Not only does God's word shine upon us and cleanse, us, light of the Lord's life will also shine the path ahead of us. Psalm 119:105 says: "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." When we allow Jesus be the Lord of our life, God will give us His word. When we understand His word, suddenly the lamp before our feet and light on our path will start to shine, and we will know where to go! May God help us to turn back to Him every day, because He is the fountain of life, and in God's light we will see light. Did you know that one day we will meet God? We need to live in His light now so that we will see God one day!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, you are the true light of our life! When we receive your light, all the authority of darkness in our life will be shattered, hallelujah! We give you all the glory! May you help us to enter into your presence and enjoy being with you. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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