Philippians 1:1-5 I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now... What do you often give thanks for in your life? We often give thanks to God for things that we have accomplished or for our family, but did you know that God also wants us to give thanks for brothers and sisters around us? Starting the day we became Christians, God already placed us in a spiritual family, just like our physical family. When we think about the brothers and sisters that God placed around us in our life, some are easy to get along with and talk to, some often cause everyone headaches, and others need special care. God often shape our lives through our spiritual family. Think about all the change that Peter experienced throughout his lifetime, how God changed Peter from a believer like willow to the pillar of church. Was it through his physical family? Probably not, I believe that Peter's wife was probably startled by the transformation of Peter as well, because it wasn't something she could have brought onto Peter. God disciplined and shaped Peter through his spiritual family, so some have said that church is God's spiritual beauty salon. "Pray For this we must give thanks to God for our brothers and sisters; not only thanking God, but Paul also said that he prayed for everyone. "Pray with joy" means blessings, for we must joyfully bless our brothers and sisters every day! We need to quiet down and think about their needs, and then pray to the Lord for their needs to be satisfied. Are you willing to bless the ministry of others this way? Bless your pastor, church coworkers, brothers and sisters, and family members. When we selflessly bless others, we will become testimony for unity and others will recognize that we are disciples of the Lord. Paul described the Philippian church as a church that partners with him in the gospel. Don't you envy them? Are you joyfully praying for your church? Let's start today! Pray with Pastor Tong  Lord, I thank you because you are praying for me in front of Father's throne. May the Lord help me to imitate your example; let us pray for brothers and sisters and bless them in the name of the Lord, so that your kingdom will expand because of our unity. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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