Psalm 50: 16-23
But to the wicked person, God says: "What right have you to recite my laws or take my covenant on your lips? You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you... Consider this, you who forget God, or I will tear you to pieces, with no one to rescue you: Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me, and to the blameless I will show my salvation.
Verse 22 says "you who forget God," which reminds us whether we often forget about God. After we accept Jesus as our personal savior, we often still walk in our way in life; even though we claim that Jesus is Lord, but we often forget about God and His grace. When everything is going smoothly, we think that we get what we deserve through hard work. We forget how God treated us graciously and how He provided for all our needs, and we forget to "sacrifice thank offerings." That's why verse 23 says that "Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me." In other word, if we don't give thanks, then we are really giving glory to enemy Satan. This is a serious matter! Let us come before God to count His blessings and to give thank offering. The Bible says that to more you count His blessings, the more you will rejoice.
Verse 17 says that "You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you." Aren't we often like that? We forget that God can also discipline us. In the beginning we might not feel good about it, but after we are disciplined we will bear the fruit of righteousness and peace in our lives. God wants our lives to be disciplined and shaped to be more like Jesus Christ. We, however, often forget about God's discipline but instead fall into our sins of the past. Even though God saved us, we still turn back to sin because we forget about God's discipline. Not only that, we also forget about God's promises and commandments. God's word is so true and it's right in front of us, but we often choose to listen to the voice of the world and follow the way of the world, and we end up departing from God.
May God help us, let us not forget God's word and His commandments, let us walk the way of God and glorify Him, just like what verse 23 says, "to the blameless I will show my salvation," for those who take on the path of God and stand on the promises of God will surely be saved! May the Lord help us and guard our heart and mind. Let us count and remember God's blessings all our life, and let us stand on the word of God and follow God's will so that we will be blessed all our life.
Pray with Pastor Tong

Dear Lord, I thank you because you have given us countless blessings in our lives. Let us not forget your grace and your deeds in our daily life, and also offer ourselves completely to live for you. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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