Colossians 1:20-22
...Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation...
Paul has mentioned that not only is Jesus Christ the ruler of the universe, He is also head of the church. On top of that, Jesus Christ is also the lord of our life. Why is Jesus the lord of our life? First, because He brought reconciliation between us and God. We were separated from God because of our sin and we were against Him. Before we knew God, we were living in contrary to the word of God and our heart wanted to be against Him. We didn't want to submit to God's rule because wanted to be our own Lord. The atheist philosopher Nietzsche has once said that "if there is a god, and that god is not me, that would be a serious problem!" We thought everything is in our control; therefore, we reject any of God's word in us. Many would not accept the Lord not because they haven't experience God's grace or do not believe in biblical teachings, but they do not want to give up the authority of their life. Were you like that before? Lord Jesus never abandoned us because we were disobedient; He died on the cross so that we could reconcile with God, and tore down the wall between God and men. All the bitterness, disobedience and guilt have been torn down, so we can come before Father God without any fear.
Second, because He wants us to be holy. Lord Jesus wants us to be more than just saved, for He wants to work in our life. His ultimate will is not for us to become the greatest figures in the world, but rather He wants us to be holy. Being holy doesn't mean that we end up with a little halo on our head, but it's to have a life that resembles Jesus Christ. Just like how it goes in a hymn, "have the sweetness of the Lord, have the abundance of the Lord." This is not easy, but it what God has determined to achieve in our life. No matter what goes on in the world, God only cares about one thing, and that is to purify His church and mold His people, so that they may become holy.
Do you know what is the Lord working on you? If you really know, then you wouldn't have so many complaints in life, because every circumstance is made by God to mold you. We need to welcome God's work with a joyful heart. Jesus Christ is Lord, not only lord of the universe, but the lord of your life. Are you willing to let Him sit on the throne in your life?
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord Jesus, I thank you because you not only accomplished peace for me, but you also are molding my life. Although I am rebellious, you always love me with your everlasting compassion. I want to exalt you and love you, and I ask that you sit on the throne of my life to rule over me. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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