Colossians 1:23 ...if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel... Paul's word here, "moved from the hope held out in the gospel," doesn't mean losing salvation, but it refers to losing the momentum of faith in our life. Why would a Christian lose the hope for am exciting life? First, it's because of suffering. When John the Baptist was locked up in jail and found out that King Herod was going to execute him, he sent a disciple to ask Jesus, "are you the one who is to come, or should we wait for someone else?" But back when John was serving with mighty power, he pointed to Jesus and said ""Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" He lost his hope when suffering came, which doesn't mean that he lost his salvation, but he did lose the momentum of faith to face suffering. Second, it's because of the splendor of the world. In 2 Timothy, Paul said that "for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me." The world can be very tempting, and because pursuing security in life and developing career, some Christians sacrificed their faith and their hearts departed from God, and therefore they no longer have hope in the gospel of Christ. What should we do so that we won't lose our hope in the gospel? Paul has mentioned three things: - "Continue in your faith." Continuing means not remaining in the same stage as being merely saved. Many Christians believe that after they accepted the Lord and received entrance to heaven, they no longer need to pursue growth. They remain in the stage of spiritual baby, so they can easily be lose faith in temptation and suffering. Babies need food to grow, and spiritual life also needs to be fed by God's word.
- Become "established." If the foundation of faith is established on circumstance, the faith will fall apart as soon as circumstance changes; if the foundation of faith is miracles, then when miracles stop, faith will stop; if the foundation of faith is a spiritual leader, then when the spiritual leader stumble, faith will stumble with him. Is your faith established on Jesus Christ himself? He is the only one who is the same yesterday, today and forever. When we establish our faith on Christ, our faith will be like a rock that can ensure rain, water and wind.
- Become "firm," standing firm on the foundation of God's grace. The devil often tempted with words that may seem right but are actually deceiving, just like how he tempted Jesus. He said "if you are son of God." The Lord is obviously son of God, but the devil tried to deceive Him. In the same manner, the devil tries to deceive us. May God help us to stand firm on what Christ has accomplished for us, and proclaim victory against the enemy everyday!
Pray with Pastor Tong  Lord Jesus, I thank you because I am redeemed by your precious blood, and I belong to you. Please adjust my pace and keep my heart from walking towards the world. May your Spirit come and draw me closer, let me have a deeper hunger for your word, so that my faith can be firmly rooted in you. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen! |
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