Colossians 3:15
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Paul said here that the principle for Christian morals and behavior is to "let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts." The "peace" here is not just peace in the heart, but rather "peace of Christ." A person could have peace in the heart, but it may not be peace of Christ. During the Old Testament time, Jonah was instructed by God to go preach the Gospel in Nineveh but he didn't want to go, so he escaped by riding the ship to Tarshish. God then sent great wind and wave, and everyone on the ship was panicking except Jonah who was sound asleep in the ship cabin. He seemed to have peace in his heart, but the whole ship lost their peace because of him while he was able to sleep in peace!
The "peace of Christ" is a peace that is in God's will. Not only does it give a person peace, but it also brings peace and harmony to those who are around. It should also be based on the foundation of God's word. So how do we have peace of Christ? Only through praying until you receive confirmation by the word of God, then this word must produce validation of faith in the heart. When Elijah sat on Mount Carmel to plead for rain, he pleaded once and sent his servant to look out for clouds on the sea. The servant came back and said he saw nothing, so Elijah went to pray and waited again. At the seventh time the servant went to check, he saw a piece of cloud as big as palm of the hand. Elijah was immediately assured, therefore he sent the servant to report to King Ahab that God is about to pour down heavy rain.
If it was God's will to pour down heavy rain, why didn't He just send rain the first time Elijah pleaded for it? Why did Elijah have to plead seven times? If it is God's will, why do we need to plead desperately in order to receive it? People value results, but God always values process. He values how our mind is renewed and changed through the process. When we pray, our faith is exercised and our love is tested, and throughout the trial our mind and thoughts will be corrected. The best example is when Paul was praying for direction of his mission trip. Paul was planning to go to Minor Asia, but ultimately God gave him a vision for Macedonia, and hence he went towards Europe instead.
Are you facing with choices in life and you are seeking God's will? Would you like to have the peach of Christ in your heart? You must pray and wait, and if you have just prayed once or twice, don't be despaired because Elijah got him confirmation after seven times! Always pray until you received confirmation in your heart!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord Jesus, I thank you because as soon as your word is released, our hearts are opened. I am willing to bring forth to you everything that I am seeking for and struggling with right now, and to learn to follow your peace. I ask the Lord to release your assurance through your word, so that I may walk in your will. Not only will I have peace, I can also bring peace to those around me. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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