John 1:42
Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas" (which, when translated, is Peter).
After Andrew accepted the Lord, he immediately shared the Gospel with his brother Simon Peter, and later Simon Peter also followed Jesus. We usually envy Peter, because he was the chief apostle used by God. When he preached the Gospel, three thousand accepted the Lord. Did you know, however, that the work done by Andrew was also important? When he fulfilled his duty, God did His wonderful work. Think about it - If you can bring just one Peter to the Lord in your lifetime, you'll have endless stories to tell! "Oh that Peter guy? I led him to Christ!" Hallelujah! If we lead just one Peter to Christ, you'd be filled with joy before God rest of your life! If you are someone like Andrew, don't underestimate yourself, just fulfill your duty and God will do His wonderful work!
When Andrew brought Simon Peter before Jesus, Jesus said this as soon as he saw Peter: "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas." Cephas means Peter, which means rock. Peter was originally named Simon, which means willow; willow is an unstable plant, for wind blows it all directions in the wilderness. That was Peter's natural personality - He was emotional unstable. One minute he saw Jesus Christ walking on the sea and he said "Lord, let me follow you!" When he was on the sea, however, he had doubt in his water and therefore fell into water. One minute he would say to Lord Jesus: "I will follow you always, even till death!" Next minute he denies Jesus for three times. The wonderful thing is that when Jesus called Peter, He clearly said to him: "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas."
In the time of Acts, God's Spirit continued to work on Peter. In the books of Peter, he became a different man, stood firmly just like a rock! From Simon to Peter, from an unstable man to a rock in God's Kingdom! May God help us, let us welcome the Spirit of God to work on us. Don't just focus on your circumstance now, but welcome Spirit of God to work inside you. God will turn your life around, just like He did on Simon Peter, and He will make you a vessel in His Kingdom!
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, we ask that you bless all brothers and sisters. No matter what circumstance we are in, may the Spirit of God come and shape me. Let us not underestimate ourselves, but to offer ourselves for you to use. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!
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