John 1: 43-45
....Philip found Nathanael and told him, "We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote - Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."
When a person comes to meet the Lord, it is only natural that he shares the gospel and bear witness to the people around him. You do not need to read through the Bible once in order to share this good news. Just as the good news shared and proclaimed by His disciples, " Look, we have met the Savior! We have met the One we have been hoping and longing for! We were strayed in the past, but now we have returned to the Lord's bosom . We were without direction in the past, but now we understand the purpose in our lives! We did not have peace in our hearts, but we have now found joy and fulfillment. We were weak and unable to do good deeds, but now with the help of Christ, we can do anything. Hallelujah!
Effective testimony is one which draws a contrast like day and night. The most effective advertisement is one that displays a picture contrasting the past and the present. In weight loss ads, those who were over-weight, have now become slim after taking their medicines making it irresistible for you to buy their products. This contrast of 'before and after' is so important! In sharing the gospel with others, it is not only our words , but also our transformed lives that make our testimonies effective. There is a saying in English: " Action speaks louder than words!" What we are bringing to this world is not only a set of teachings, but a practical way of live as well as true salvation.
In our church baptismal services, brothers and sisters share their simple testimonies of how their lives have been transformed. I recall the changes that a couple had after believing in the Lord, even their own family members testified, " We truly see the differences before and after they have come to the Lord. They used to squabble all the time, but now they are so much in love!"This is the message of life that we should bring to this word. I recalled a brother once gave a testimony after which he made a calling to those willing to accept Jesus as their personal savior. Little did he know that both his parents, after listening to his testimony, were willing to accept Christ at that moment! Brothers and sisters, this is the most glorious testimony. Whenever people notice that our lives have been transformed, they give glory to God. May the Lord help us so that we may bear witness for our Lord everyday of our lives with courage.
Pray with Pastor Tong

Dear Lord, we praise you because you are God who changes our lives. We pray that you help us and give us the opportunities to share this precious gospel with people around us. With thanksgiving we pray, in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!
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