John 1: 46-47
Nathanael asked, "Nazareth! Can anything come from there?" Philip said, "Come and see. " When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, "Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false."
We may encounter some obstacles when we try to share the gospel. People may even laugh at us just like when Philip told Nathanael, " I have found the savior and He is Jesus of Nazareth." Philip was immediately silenced by Nathaniel's rebuttal, "Nazareth! Can anything come from there?"The same is true when we share the gospel with others, we may be rejected, but let us continue to pray for them and bear witness for the Lord with our lives.
Rev. Moses Chow had always illustrated that sharing the gospel is like feeding someone with bums. When you feed this person the first bum, there may be little reaction. But when he is fed by different people at different times, perhaps, one day, he suddenly feels full and come to believe in the Lord. Obviously, when you feed him the bum, you have no idea whether this is the first or the last bum, or even the bum in between. Let us ask for help from our Lord not to give up.
Of course, I do not mean that we need to constantly bombarding our friends and relatives with gospel. Instead, we should pray for a heart with sensitivity so that we may share the gospel at the opportune time. Gospel need not to be shared by words alone, giving away spiritual books may also help them coming to know God. May the Lord give us wisdom in sharing the gospel. Help us to lead people to Christ just as Philip did when he was not sure what to do next , he just said, "Come and see!" He was able to lead Nathanael to Jesus Christ as a result.
How can we lead people to God? It needs prayers. Through prayers, people are brought to the Lord. We also pray for a thirsty spirit, a hardened heart to be softened, so that non-believers may come to understand the preciousness of salvation and the importance of a saved soul. In addition, we may also bring people to God through our actions. Whenever we have a chance, we can bring people to our Sunday services or a special evangelistic meetings through which people's hearts may be opened to God. God may also speak to their hearts through the words of the speakers. May the Lord help us not only that we preach with our mouth, but also through prayers and action so that gospel of the Lord may be spread.
Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, give us wisdom we pray, so that we may seize the opportunity you have given us to share the gospel with people around us, and bring them to you. We pray that we may have strength to spread the gospel to the end of the earth. With thanksgiving we pray, in the victorious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
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