Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Today's Passage - John 12:30-36

River of Life Christian Church ︳

John 12:30-36


Jesus said, "This voice was for your benefit, not mine.  Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.  But, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself." ....


 Jesus said, "But, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself."  There are two different meanings in what Jesus said, one of which is pointing towards His death on the cross for our sake.   According to the laws in the Bible, the cross is a symbol of curse.  When Jesus was nailed on the cross for us, He took upon himself all the curses of sins for us.


Man has been living under the bondage of sins, we can neither come to face God, nor can we receive the fullness of His grace.  Because Jesus Christ has taken all our curses on the cross, we can, therefore, come to God through Him turning these curses into blessings.  People are attracted to God because Jesus Christ has accomplished this holy work on our behalf.


The second meaning refers to how Jesus was victorious.  Not only did Jesus die for us and buried, but resurrected on the third day.  When Jesus had resurrected and ascended to heaven, this is a symbol of victory as He was lifted from this earth!  Jesus Christ is not only our savior, but also the King of victory!  He enables us to overcome the lusts of the flesh, the temptations of sin and the restrains of our situation leading us to the path of victory in our daily livings.


Brothers and sisters, often times we are living in our wounds resulting in the bitterness in our spirit unable to be freed from their shadows.   But Jesus Christ is victorious! He has risen from the dead and lifted on high so that we can all see this King of Kings, Lord of Lords!  He is the answer to our lives, and also the source of our victories.  Our hopes and destinations are in Him even till death. Because of Him, people are attracted to Him as He is our hope, our destinations and even our lives and deaths.  Hallelujah! Jesus is our Savior, today, tomorrow and forever; He will not change!


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Dear Lord, we thank you for you are lifted on high attracting millions. To you, we give all the glory.  May we experience your love and strength in our daily lives.  With thanks we pray, in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!





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