Sunday, June 16, 2019

Today's Passage - Ephesians 2:14-15

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Ephesians 2: 14-15


For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility,  by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace.


Erecting walls are human nature and people are good at raising walls among their fellow people, families as well as churches.  This is because the ability to erect walls is a sign of superiority and righteousness while, in fact, our righteousness in the eyes of God is only a piece of wretched cloth. This is the very reason that Jesus died for our sins on the cross.  His death has severed us from the bondage of our own self-centeredness and righteousness.  As we humble ourselves and confess our sins, we would come to recognize the walls we erected most of our lives have disappeared because with His salvation, the Lord has removed all walls.     


A book called, "Stubborn Love"  describes a middle-aged couple who had squabbled since their marriage and now their children are all gone leaving this couple alone.  One day, they squabbled again on how the toilet paper should be placed.  After the husband had left the house for work, the wife was still furious and decided to take her life.  As she took a razor blade trying to cut her wrist, the phone rang and she wanted to wait for the phone to stop ringing before committing the act.  The phone continued ringing for 15 times and she finally picked up the phone.  It was a call from a brother who had just joint their church.  He told her on the   phone, "Sister, in the name of our Lord, I ask you to stop whatever you are doing!"  She knew immediately that was the words from God and she knelt down to confess her sins and, as a result, she was remorseful of her past behavior in mistreating her husband.  That evening, she decorated her home and prepared a delicious meal for her husband.  When her husband returned home, he handed her a letter. To her surprise, it was a copy of his will.  It happened that her husband remained angry after arriving in his office and wanted to commit suicide. When he raised his gun, it suddenly dawned on him that he is a Christian and knelt down to pray immediately.  God's spirit let him realized he had mistreated his wife all those days; he then knelt down and confess his sins in front of God.  At that moment, they embraced each other crying and vowed to start their lives with a new beginning. 


Brothers and sisters, salvation can break down any walls!  May the Lord help us so that we would never to build the walls  that God has taken down again!     


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Brother and sister, have you erected walls separating you from your family,  brothers and sisters and friends?  In the victorious name of Jesus, break down all these walls for God has already forgiven all our sins. May the Lord help us never to rebuild them again.  May You be our Lord and restore all severed relationships.  With thanks we pray in the name of our victorious Jesus, Amen!



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