Monday, June 17, 2019

Today's Passage - Ephesians 2:16-18

River of Life Christian Church ︳

Ephesians 2: 16-18


".. and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit."


The gospel of Jesus Christ is the peace-making gospel, we are first reconciled to God through this gospel. Separated by sin, our relationship with God was broken, yet because of Lord Jesus's work on the cross, the enmity between God and us is broken. When we partake the Holy Communion, it is a reminder of this truth, Jesus's broke his body for us so that we can repair and restore our relationship with God.


Next, this gospel reconciles us to people. The hostility among us, inability to forgive and accept each other, harboring grudges, not letting go, dwelling on the past hurt, getting even, in God's grace these things will be taken away. Christians must face this matter seriously, firmly prohibiting the enemy to control you through hostility and hurt. For many years, you and I pay lip service to the teachings of forgiveness, now in the name of the victorious Jesus, we have to stop the work of the enemy, declare our freedom in the name of the Lord and make peace with others!


Third, this gospel will make us a peacemaker. God gives us the mission to preach the gospel, to bring the lost souls of this world before Him. Looking around the world, you'll find that God-given mission is not to preach the gospel just to people far away, it is also to preach to people who are near. The people far away are the overseas missions, many churches overlook overseas missions, they said, "we can't take care of the far away people as we can't even take care of people around us." Thanks to the Lord that Taylor Hudson did not listen to such sayings, so the Gospel reached China; Livingstone did not listen to such sayings, so the Gospel reached Africa. We need to actively participate in world missions, because God's work is always global, not local. Only through knowing God's work in the world can we work effectively at the local level. This gospel also needs to reach the people who are near, they are family members, friends and the people around you. Our eyes should look not only the faraway places while ignoring the places near us, preaching the gospel is never witnessing at only the ends of the earth, it is from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, starting from your own home and your own town. Ask God to help us to become a peacemaker!


Pray with Pastor Tong     


Lord, we put our lives in your hands, help us to see your given "peace-making" mission, knowing the need to preach the gospel not only to the people far away, there is also the need to preach to the people who are near. Ask the Lord to open our hearts to witness in daily lives with glory, and to draw all men unto you. We give thanks and pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!





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