The birth of Christ should have been joyful and exciting news, but according to the Bible not everyone was excited about it. When King Herod heard that the magi from the east were looking for the newborn savior of the world, he wasn't joyful at all, but rather he became anxious. Even though King Herod was not a Jew, he knew about the faith of the Jews. He understood that God promised that the Messiah and the king would come and rule the children of the king. He was anxious because he didn't know what he would do once the messiah became the king.
Not only that, the people of Jerusalem were also anxious. It was great that the Messiah was coming, but they were under the rule of Rome and the king of the Jews was the brutal King Herod. It wasn't a great time for the Messiah to come, because it would surely cause some turmoil, and thus they became anxious. Similarly, even though we look forward to the coming of God's salvation, but when God's salvation actually comes we might rebel against it and reject it.
Where was Jesus Christ supposed to be born? The scribes and Pharisees were familiar with the Bible, which says that Christ was supposed to be born in Bethlehem; unfortunately, even though they had the knowledge, they took no part in the birth of Christ. Bethlehem is a mere five kilometers away from Jerusalem. I recall that when I visited Jerusalem, we went to Bethlehem to visit but the bus that was supposed to pick us up didn't show up. So, we ended up walking back to Jerusalem, which took about one hour. These towns were very close to each other, but the scribes and Pharisees did nothing about the most important thing that could have happened in their life. Today, many have the same attitude towards Jesus Christ. Everyone's busy with daily life, but neglect the most important thing in their life, which is the salvation of our soul. Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ was born, but are you letting Him work in your life, so that He would become your guidance and give you wisdom?
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