According to biblical records, these Magi were longing to see Jesus. They came from a far away land to find Jesus Christ. However, even when you are trying to follow the Holy Spirit, you may go the wrong way. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, how did they end up in Jerusalem? Jerusalem is the city of the King and the capital of Judea. The Magi were following the Holy Spirit, but when they came close to Jerusalem, they did not notice that the star was continuing to move towards Bethlehem.
We are the same way when we follow the Lord. We are easily led astray by our circumstances, our fleshly desire, our habits and our world view. In the spiritual world, it is not as scary when we wander off the path. The scariest part is if we do not have a heart that is willing to be corrected. It is so difficult for God to change us sometimes. What Christians need most is to recognize the Lordship of Christ. Jesus is not only our Savior, but Lord of our lives, our emotions and will. We need to allow God to do the work of correction in our lives. It is not enough to only have passion and zeal when we serve God. In the Bible, the Pharisees have great zeal, just like Paul who was zealous in persecuting Christians.
Secondly, we need to pray for the pastor's family. A pastor's family is often attacked by the enemy. We need to pray for the pastor's children. They grow up under a lot of stress and become rebellious easily. Many pastors are often heartbroken or troubled by their children because they do not know how to lead them. May God give special grace to them so that they may glorify His name in their lives.
Passion and zeal alone will not please God. We need to be willing to receive God's correction, so that we can be vessels that are fit for God's use. No matter how weak you are spiritually, as long as you have the desire for God and a willingness to be corrected by God, God's Spirit can bring you to the fertile land. When the Magi received the correction of the Holy Spirit, they finally lifted up their heads and in verse 9, it said, "suddenly the star rose and went ahead of them." I like the word "suddenly". Did God stop guiding them or shorten His arms? Did God stop blessing them? Of course not, it was just that they have never paid attention and never allowed God to guide them. May the Lord give us a humble and willing heart to receive his correction gladly in our lives every day.
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