The Magi traveled a long way to find Jesus and came with a longing heart. Their purpose was not to bless themselves, but to worship Him. They did not come to the Lord with anything and did not ask for any blessings. Instead, they presented Him with gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh, which are very valuable gifts back then. Their long trips were solely to worship this Savior.
Today when you and come before God, what is our attitude like? We often pray to God like an idol worshiper burning incense to ask for blessings, except that we use the prayers instead of incense. This is contradictory to what the Bible teaches us. Prayer is not man-centered, but God-centered. The important thing in our faith is to please God, not to seek our own satisfaction. The truth is when we seek God's pleasure, we find our own purpose as well. Only in God can we find true satisfaction. Hence, when we come before God, we need to come and just worship Him, not for ourselves, but just like the Magi, to simply come and adore him.
Secondly, the Magi went with a heart that was corrected. When the angels told them not to go back to Herold, they returned to their country by another route. They will willing to be guided by God and walked God's path. When you worship God, are you willing to be changed by God? Once I got a traffic ticket and had to go to traffic school. The teacher said, "Do you know why people dislike traffic school? Firstly, because there is nothing new to learn. Everything taught here is what people already know. Secondly, traffic school cannot change driving habits. Many people will continue to drive at 90 miles an hour when they leave the class!" God's Spirit reminded me at that time that the church is the same way. Why is it that the church does not attract people these days? Because people already know many of these teachings. Secondly, these teachings cannot really bring about change. Hence, the church is powerless and cannot attract people to the Lord. May the Lord have mercy on us. The Jesus inside us is not weak, but all-powerful. We need to be willing to be changed by God, so that the power of Christ can flow out from our lives!
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