Ever since Jesus started his work on earth, he had been calling those who believed to come into His kingdom. It's the Lord's will that not only should people experience His all mightiness, but The Lord would give them the mission of expanding His kingdom. The Lord chose twelve disciples. They were specially called to bear witness to the Lord's resurrection. In general, every born-again Christian is being called by God. The original meaning of "church" was a group of people who were called. 1 Peter 2:9 says, "But you are", refer to the whole church, the chosen people. 1 Perer continues, "royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
Maybe you feel that you are weak and can't do much for The Lord. But look carefully of the disciples chosen by Jesus - There was no famous character among them. As far as leadership is concerned, maybe only Peter qualified. But his temper is not stable at all. Jacob and John, Jesus gave them the nickname of 'Sons of Thunder'. On the one hand, it was the hope of the Lord that they would do something thunderous for the kingdom of God. On the other hand, it showed that they had bad temper. Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew were loyal and warm hearted. But they did not possess leadership talent. Matthew's background was even worse. He was a tax collector, i.e. those who worked for the Romans and were despised by Jews. Thomas, whenever we think of him, we remember his doubts. As for Jacob the son of Alphaeus, Thaddeus, and Simon, we don't even know them. Of course, there was the traitorous Judas. Even though The Lord knew Judas would betray Him all along, Jesus still loved him. Unfortunately, Judas didn't repent and ended in destruction.
Looking at the ist of disciples, we can be truly comforted, can't we? Even though those on the list are such ordinary people, the Lord loved them nonetheless and personally chose them. If The Lord could use those people at that time, He can surely use us today as well. Don't underestimate yourself - When the grace of God comes, let us rise up and do great things for the Lord!
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