Jesus went through all towns and villages, teaching people in their synagogues. The Lord also sent us into all corners of the world to preach the Gospel. Those who preach the Gospel need to do a few things. First, we must see what the Lord had seen. Verse 36 says, "He saw the crowd, had had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless." We witness many things; however, we do not have the Lord's compassion in our hearts. The Lord saw them harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Today's people are indeed like this. There are many who seem successful. There are many families which seem alright. But deep down in those people's hearts there are pain and brokenness. May God help us to not only see what's on the outside of people, but have the mercy of the Lord, see what the Lord has seen. When we see others in need, may we have the mercy of the Lord and be willing to bring them the Lord's salvation.
Second, hear what the Lord has said. In verse 37 the Lord said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." Have you heard the Lord's calling? He said that the harvest is plentiful. At the time of Jesus, the world population was not that big. And yet the Lord said that the harvest is plentiful. Today there are over 7 billion people in the world. Isn't the harvest even more plentiful? Have we heard the voice of the Lord? More importantly, the Lord teaches us to pray to Him, the Lord of the harvest, to send workers out to the harvest field. May God revive us because we are His workers. Not only should we pray, we should also have willing hearts so that God can use us and He will let salvation flow through us. Are you willing?
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