Many followed Jesus when He was on earth. Bible recorded that He once fed five thousands, and this time He fed four thousands. Many followed Him because His words had authority and His hands were full of miracles. Hungry people hoping to be fed, the sick hoping to be healed, and the broken hearted hoping to be comforted. Many followed Jesus in order to have own needs satisfy, not because they love Him. But Jesus did not reject them, instead He had compassion on them. Bible mentioned many times that the Lord had compassion on those that come to Him, for He knows theirs pains and sufferings. He came, so that we can be set free from all self-centeredness and sins. He gave Himself freely so that we could receive a new life from God.
If we were among the crowd that followed Jesus, would we behave like them, only focus on foods and healings? Are we truly hungry for God, or do we just want our problems solved? Do we believe in the Lord or in a genie, expecting to be helped in times of need? If we follow the Lord based on our needs, then one day we might ditch Him because we don't feel we need Him anymore.
Maybe some of these fed by Jesus were also in the midst of the crowd who demanded Jesus to be crucified. They have once followed Jesus in order to be fed; now they crucified Jesus because they need to survive. Therefore we need to ask ourselves why are we following the Lord, and is He in control of our lives? The Lord has compassion on us, so much that He sacrificed everything for me, so may the Lord help us to love Him back without reservation.
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